Its saturday in Florence right now. Just got back from some touring with our art history professor, Emilio, who is probably the most knowledgeable person that I've ever met.
Last night we went out to some dance club called Space; it was pretty fun. Got to be shoved around on the dance floor for a couple of hours listening to american pop music - Apparently its pretty popular here. I'm taking it easy now, i've been worn out over the course of the past week. We've got our midterm review coming up thursday, and I still don't have a solid design down, so i've been busting my butt in studio, plus with all the trips we've been on it doesnt' feel like i've had much time to just sit and relax.
The other day I had an experience which I thought captured the image of Italy that I really enjoy. Me and Addison were walking through the streets in trastevere, and this one shop caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. There was a guy on the steps, gluing on pieces to an unfinished base of a mandolin. We looked in his shop and he had a ton of instruments that he had made himself, and since Addison needed a string for his violin, I asked him if he had it. He said he did but he needed to finish the base first. So we stepped inside and looked around at all the beautifully handcrafted instruments this guy had. It was a very tiny shop filled to the brim with every type of instrument. after being there for 5 minutes in awe, I turned around and realized a cat had been sitting on a pedestal behind us the whole time. It jumped off and brushed past me going out into the street. Apparently the guy feeds the stray cats in the area. It was the unique character of this place and this guy that really seemed to reveal some great character of Italy that I hadn't noticed before. There are still tons of shops where things are still done hand crafted. I really enjoy walking into the meat and cheese speciality shops and getting meat and cheese cut right in front of me, and its so fresh. Sometimes it makes finding things harder, but also makes it that much more rewarding. But if your not really looking for anything in particular, you'll find so much more.